Will I survive the teenage years??

As soon as I had told my parents that I was pregnant, all they kept saying was to be ready for sleepless nights, dirty diapers, and a crying baby….and those were the easy years! I passed that test with flying colors! Fast forward to preteen and teen years, I’m failing terribly! Either I’m too involved or not enough, one day I say the right thing and the next minute it could be completely wrong. Don’t get me wrong, I can still clearly remember what it’s like to be a teenager, I’m not all THAT old.  I can remember not wanting to tell my parents every little thing going on in my life. I can also remember what it felt like to have that wonderful feeling of freedom when I would drive out of the driveway in my car…that my parents paid for. What I don’t get is the insane hormone changes that my teenagers are having.  Is it the food, internet, social life?? Whatever it is, they need to get a handle on it and quickly. As most moms do, I pray every time my kids walk out the door that they keep God in their hearts and always make good choices.  I know at some point they will be given a chance to make a choice in a situation and I just hope they make the right one. I also pray he can give me the patience to allow my sweet angels to maneuver through this thing called life. And while the maneuver through it, I pray they only hit a few bumps in the road rather than potholes.

Dont go thinking that I don’t love those kids, God knows I do, I just need to learn to take a deep breath and jump two feet in when dealing with them. I know I’m the bad guy most of the time and yes, I know my parents felt the same way. I’ve become accustomed to that. I feel as though I’m not properly doing my job as a parent if I haven’t made them mad at least once in their lifetime. So, on to the next time I make one mad…wait I think one is calling me now for their packed lunch that they forgot at home. Not such a mean mom now, huh?

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